Friday, August 17, 2007

Where's "there?"

Mojo has a problem...

Many of you wireheads might remember me continuously asking a while back "are we there yet?" as a way of asking whether the waveform of the Republic has finally crashed for good, and we are now in a permanent one-party police state or are we just suffering a proverbial bump in the road?

Being painfully honest, here... I don't know.

I mean, when I hear news stories about Homeland Security recruiting clergy to keep peace in event of martial law combined with the fact that the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 will effectively be rescinded by section 1076 of the John Warner Defense Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (H.R. 5122.ENR), when it takes effect October 17, 2007; or the Minutemen sending around snuff films of gunning down migrant workers at the border and all their forums bulging with talk of Civil War and "going after the traitors" (that's us, by the way)...

you tell me... what am I supposed to think is going on?

S9 blogged the other day about a radical right think tank with close ties to Vice President Big Time openly splooging their love of violent fascist world conquest, while alternately exposing their hatred of all that America is supposed to stand for...

Once upon a time, as I noted the other day, we would have had a good laugh at these asshats' entry in High Weirdness, secure in the knowledge that they couldn't possibly aspire to real power... but that now seems like long, long ago.

It is troubling on a really personal level... I don't know what comes next, but I can guess, and it does not make me happy...

mojo sends

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