The caption on that image over at The Coloradoan is "Marilyn Musgrave introduces Marine Sergeant Brandon Forsyth on Friday during the Larimer County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner." [Photo credit: Peter Heacox/For The Coloradoan]
Comrade Joshua is making a big deal over this, and he's absolutely right.
Bob Novak pretty much put us on notice a couple weeks ago that the White House and the RNC were going to make a habit of using uniformed military personnel as props at Republican political rallies. This despite the fact that it is a plain violation of military regulations banning politicization of the armed forces.People on our old private MaxHeadRoom rantmail list used act like I was a complete nutjob when I complained about how the U.S. military was fast becoming the armed wing of the GOP. I'm getting pretty damned tired of being right about things I would so very much desperately like to be wrong.
Would the last patriotic American to leave the continental U.S. please lower the flag? Thank you.

Update 1.0:Good grief. Now, Comrade Joshua has posted this picture, as well. Seriously, I ask you, dear readers— is this a sign that the Marines are concentrating their recruiting efforts on Republicans? (I almost never see them standing on a stage with any of my favorite political candidates.)
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