Mothers Against Illegal Aliens or MAIA sans link love
Is it too much to hope that this is some brilliantly conceived piece of social satire mindfuckery?
But no... it is not to be.
The leader of this delightful little assemblage of den moms is one Michelle Dallacroce. Is it me, or does this sound like someone out of a William Faulkner story or Tennesee Williams play?
Here's yer money graf: "The group claims that illegal entrants bring diseases like tuberculosis and leprosy into the country, negatively impact public schools and endanger U.S. children." Like the little monkey children, they are...
At first I thought she was yet another shill sent out to stir the pot, but after some searching it really does appear that in the middle of last year, this home grown brownshirt just up and decided that she was going to do her part to keep the Brown Menace from her children...
Much of it is just the same general hysterical mendacity we have been seeing lately about the reconquista Armada Scare, diseased feriners coming to infect our lilly White children with their dread grease spores...
Beyond being the face of the scared White pioneer in the face of the savage onslaught of the demi-human Mexican hordes for FOX News, she doesn't seem to be doing much more than harrassing her local Home Depot and pimping for White Supremecists in the Minutemen, American Border Patrol, et al...
One particularly nice piece is her exhortation to visit a site called We Hate Gringos in order to "understand what is really happening in America and how this threat has been below the radar for the last 30-40 years."
When in fact, WHG is simply another White Power Patriot, "Death to Foreign Brown Invader Man" website...
Oh... but what about the children... will no one think of the children?!
mojo sends
Update 1.0: After a little cursory poking around, it appears as if "WeHateGringos" is a side project from Pat Buchanan's old web hacks from Virginia during his mid-90s Presidential aspirations. It is also deeply infused with the whole White-Supremacist neo-Confederacy, Council of Conservative Citizens thuggery...
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