Friday, May 05, 2006

This Way to the Egress, Mr. Goss...

Porter Goss has just been spaced out the airlock at CIA... more to follow...

mojo sends

Update 1.0: Here is the Washington Post's AP report on it. From this, it sounds like don't know the play to call. Also, just to throw this out there, Fitz is meeting with his judge this afternoon...

Update 1.1: Apparently, the narrative is shaking out in certain parts of the blogosphere that this is a case of "Mission Accomplished." Goss' job was to be a partisan hack and ideologically cleanse the agency. In the New York Times/AP piece notes senior Dem on the House Intelligence Committee, Jane Harman as noting that more than 300 years of aggregate intelligence experience and knowledge has been exiled out of the agency in the year that Goss has been at the helm.

Update 1.2: Josh Marshal at TPM makes a point I am actually curious about myself. This was not a long planned, leaked in advance "wants to spend more time with the family" resignation. Apparently, dude just marched himself up to the Oval and said "I'm out! Effective immediately". Something big's up, they say. We concur...

Update 2.0: Per Sean: Word has gone out through the internets and TDM that tomorrow's WaPo will feature Dana Priest with the goods on why Goss threw himself on his sword today. So I guess we will wait until tomorrow to read the verdict. And L'il Russ will weep...

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