Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The After-Birth That Walks

You know, even reading her occasionally is not enough. No, you have to see Hanoi Annie speak to really comprehend what a vile, odious subcreature she is.

Click through the Crooks & Liars link and watch Anne as she struggles through barely literate language with long synapse-burning pauses, where her eyes almost literally turn into hour-glass icons as her old 286 processor coal powered lizard brain accesses a particular talking point.

You can almost hear the hard disk furiously clattering away as it feverishly spins looking for the appropriate aprobation to spew at Lauer. Then it hits the memory location and the little packets of electrons trudge the lonely copper-solder road of bones to the output, passing fading images of dead ones and zeros ghosting on the unpaved shoulder... till finally: "Liberals suck! I Rule!" schplorts out of her pie hole in her triumphant Beavis-like nasal screech...

Then it hits like a torrent, a veritable hit parade of "Americans are obsessed with gay marriage," "9/11 widows are glad their husbands died" and "Democrats are not only anti-God but actively celebrate the death of children."

I pariticularly like the part where she is on the set of the Today Show at 7 a.m. in a little black cocktail dress... walk of shame Anne? Hope yer partner didn't look to close at that Adam's Apple yer sportin' there...

She's like a walking version of the The Weekly World News. You know that Bat Boy, Clinton-humping-Bigfoots and ads for "Instant Mind Control" are not real, and they don't even pretend anymore like they are anything other than a parody, but you have to look. She's like WWN columnist Ed Anger with a badly done sex change...

Update 1.0: Mere moments after posting this, I went to Orcinus who also just posted on Anne's latest performance art presentation... check out Dave, as usual, he says it better than I can...

mojo sends

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