Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Just Look Out of the Corner of Your Eye...

Looks like a few well placed emails did the trick...

Justin Rood over at TPM Muckraker is digging into the pro-war, anti-Murtha machine spinning up inside the beltway, and first few dark corners he peers into turn up some interesting bits of data...

Particularly the whole "Vets for Freedom" cabal. This group has been on the edge of all the reporting done by us and other blogs so far, but only on the edge. They have not been a visible central part of any of the people or other groups we have been researching.

So naturally, they become the focus of the smart reporter... we are still digging...

Update 1.0: Looking at the "Vets for Freedom" site's "About Us" page, it appears that a bunch of these guys are currently serving. And yet... they are engaged with RNC and West Wing political operatives in what is an overtly poltical operation.

Didn't the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff in coordination with the Commandant of the Marine Corps, have something to say about this just a little while back?

mojo sends

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